One year since her last exhibition, ENA’s second private exhibition named YAWN made its opening at CONTRAST from March 31st Friday to April 8th, Sunday. In this exhibition, the portrait works of the f_a_c_e series presented at the previous show were on display, and in addition, the new series from ENA, the YAWN series was unveiled. YAWN sets its theme on the concept “yawning,” an action that everyone experiences in their daily life. In cooperation with Mr. Takahiro Ohara, a professor at the psychology department of the Iryo Sosei University and a yawning researcher, by exchanging her own opinion with the researcher from each standpoint, ENA has deepened her insight into what “yawning” is. As well as the f_a_c_e series, depiction of the “sceneries with yawning” is attempted with various materials and techniques by eliminating the “sign that may have significant influence” on others, i.e.,“facial expressions,” supported by IN FOCUS inc. / / TORUS,inc.