


  • Nuevo.Tokyo
  • Mireia Gordi i Vila
  • Lucas Seidenfaden

Nuevo.Tokyo, Mireia Gordi I Vila, and Lucas Seidenfaden are holding an open showcase "VWFNDR™— SHOWCASE” to celebrate one year of launching both VWFNDR (viewfinder) as a platform and KEIRIN as their inaugural project at CONTRAST on April 20th, Saturday, and 21st, Sunday. VWFNDR is a series of camera concepts exploring new hardware, UX, and interface design paradigms, ruled by the principle of feasibility. Bring back the fun - the magic. A framework to rethink contemporary cameras from a place of enjoyment and for the love of photography, not technology for tech´s sake. A space to remix what is already good and to challenge what could be better. This showcase aims to be a space to discuss, conceptualize, and celebrate photography in its contemporary and near-future state. They will bring digital and physical design processes “in conversation” with a showcase of contemporary panoramic photography by photographers such as Liam Wong, Clarissa Bonet, David Imel, and CEO of IN FOCUS Inc. Tadamasa Iguchi. With this event and your assistance, they aim to answer the question:“Why yet another physical camera?”. KEIRIN is a conceptual digital camera designed as a testing ground for exploring new design paradigms, seamlessly integrating hardware and software. It aims to provide an immersive shooting experience focusing on the photographic craft without distractions. Named after the Japanese word keirin 競輪 ー a bike race in a velodrome ー is the perfect name for a concept where hardware and software cycle together. ー HP: ー Supported by IN FOCUS, tonari, and ObiJimmy

PHOTO:Alex Abian

PHOTO:Alex Abian











Tokyo-based art collective Tapetum is holding a two-day exhibition, "CASE STUDY EXHIBITION 03," from April 13th, Saturday, and 14th, Sunday, at CONTRAST. Tapetum takes an experimental approach to expressing the beauty and richness found in natural objects by observing them from a cultural and biological perspective. They have been presenting installation works that play the sound of a symphony of insects and other works. In this exhibition, they created works on "crows, flowers, driftwood," etc., and composed three exhibition spaces. Visitors can experience the fascination of culture and living things through works created from unique perspectives. At the opening on April 13th, Saturday, a DJ will give a sound performance, and highballs using Chivas Regal 12-year blended Scotch whisky supplied by Pernod Ricard Japan, the event's sponsor, and LUC BELAIRE (sparkling wine) will also be served. We look forward to seeing you at the event.


An art collective that observes natural objects from cultural and biological perspectives and expresses the beauty and richness found in them through an experimental approach.

In 2022, CONTRAST opened as a creative space in Yoyogi-Hachiman, Tokyo. The interior, based on a 45-year-old structure, consists of three floors under the concept of "reconstruction," and is managed by IN FOCUS, a digital branding studio that operates under the theme of "We propose new perspectives through a collective pursuit of digital excellence.". The space not only serves as its own creative space but also aims to be widely open to the public, providing a space for continuous and experimental reconstruction by its users, breaking free from limitations. Focusing on various forms of expression and encountering the creators who produce them, we will come to understand the importance of "CONTRAST = comparison" in our endeavors. Operated by IN FOCUS.In 2022, CONTRAST opened as a creative space in Yoyogi-Hachiman, Tokyo. The interior, based on a 45-year-old structure, consists of three floors under the concept of "reconstruction," and is managed by IN FOCUS, a digital branding studio that operates under the theme of "We propose new perspectives through a collective pursuit of digital excellence.". The space not only serves as its own creative space but also aims to be widely open to the public, providing a space for continuous and experimental reconstruction by its users, breaking free from limitations. Focusing on various forms of expression and encountering the creators who produce them, we will come to understand the importance of "CONTRAST = comparison" in our endeavors. Operated by IN FOCUS.




