

Sky Pixelated


Makers Space's solo exhibition "Sky Pixelated" presented by Bridge Mogura Gallery will be held at CONTRAST from June 23rd, Friday to June 29th, Thursday. Makers Space is a self taught artist based in Japan. He is known for his pixelated artworks on canvases and sculptures. A movement called “pixelation” started in 2014 where he photographed people covering their faces behind his pixelated works. It was a movement where identity wasn't necessary in order to be accepted. Today his pixelated works grace the walls of collector’s homes and his pixelated stickers can be seen through the streets of Japan and abroad. This will be Makers Space’s first solo exhibition in Japan. The title “Sky Pixelated” incorporates his love for clear blue skies with his iconic pixelated images. We look forward to seeing you at the opening reception! Presented by Bridge Mogura Gallery











  • Night Art Fair
  • Andrea Samory
  • Hiroyuki Arikawa (WORKSHOP™)
  • Luigi Honorat

CONTRAST is pleased to announce that we will be participating in the first art fair "NIGHT ART FAIR TAIPEI" from May 11th, Thursday to 14th, Sunday during the annual Taipei Art Week. Founded by Taiwanese artist Chou Shih Hsiung, the fair will be held during the dark hours of the night under the theme of "noir," breaking conventions of the white gallery walls and exploring possibilities within the art industry through new approaches in visual design and time. The venue is located at "Songshan Cultural and Creative Park" which was renovated from a former tobacco factory and is known as a center of art and culture in Taipei. CONTRAST will be exhibiting works by Andrea Samory, Hiroyuki Arikawa (WORKSHOP™), and Luigi Honorat.

Night Art Fair

Andrea Samory

Born in 1991 in Italy, Andrea is a University of Tokyo alumnus and has previously worked for Kengo Kuma and Kohei Nawa. He has exhibited in Italy, Japan, Taiwan, and Australia. As a post-internet artist, his focus is to give shape to the fears and hopes that our present society has about the future. He combines 3D sculpting and 3D printing with SFX and more traditional sculpting techniques, to attract the viewer into a world of natural corruption and uncannyness - provoking ambivalent feelings of repulsion and fascination, alienation and recognition.

Hiroyuki Arikawa (WORKSHOP™)

Born in Tokyo in 1978, and graduated from Tokyo Gakugei University and Kuwasawa Design School. Worked in planning and design for several apparel brands. In 2013, established apparel brand “OH WELL”, started producing fixtures for exhibitions. In 2019, started focusing on object and fixture production and spatial composition under the name “WORKSHOP™”. In 2021, in charge of visual direction and artwork for TOKYO DESIGN STUDIO New Balance/ Apparel.

Luigi Honorat
In 2022, CONTRAST opened as a creative space in Yoyogi-Hachiman, Tokyo. The interior, based on a 45-year-old structure, consists of three floors under the concept of "reconstruction," and is managed by IN FOCUS, a digital branding studio that operates under the theme of "We propose new perspectives through a collective pursuit of digital excellence.". The space not only serves as its own creative space but also aims to be widely open to the public, providing a space for continuous and experimental reconstruction by its users, breaking free from limitations. Focusing on various forms of expression and encountering the creators who produce them, we will come to understand the importance of "CONTRAST = comparison" in our endeavors. Operated by IN FOCUS.In 2022, CONTRAST opened as a creative space in Yoyogi-Hachiman, Tokyo. The interior, based on a 45-year-old structure, consists of three floors under the concept of "reconstruction," and is managed by IN FOCUS, a digital branding studio that operates under the theme of "We propose new perspectives through a collective pursuit of digital excellence.". The space not only serves as its own creative space but also aims to be widely open to the public, providing a space for continuous and experimental reconstruction by its users, breaking free from limitations. Focusing on various forms of expression and encountering the creators who produce them, we will come to understand the importance of "CONTRAST = comparison" in our endeavors. Operated by IN FOCUS.





