Trans Point
Masaru Mizuochi
Masaru Mizuochi, media artist and visual director, will be holding his solo exhibition, “Trans Point“ at CONTRAST from 1/24(Fri) to 27(Mon). Mizuochi, an artist who specializes in theatrical and visual images, has created an installation work called "Green Diffusion" that depicts the mutual exchange of destruction and creation by overlaying the generation process of a diffusion model, one of the image generation AI, with the process of organic matter decomposing and returning to soil. This solo exhibition is comprised of a group of works that highlight the artist's perspective on AI and humans, who seeks to create new value by capturing and linking phenomena from multiple perspectives such as experience, technology, society, and meaning. In addition to new works, many works that look back on his past activities will be exhibited, including the installation work "CharActor," which was selected as a SXSW 2020 Art Program Finalist, and "Lingcam," which won the WIRED CREATIVE HACK AWARD 2024 Special Prize. “Trans Point” signifies the transformation (trans-) of a point (point). By incorporating the viewer’s own perspective (point) into each piece, the exhibition aims to provoke additional shifts and transformations. ー Support: Project to Support Emerging Media Arts Creators, 2024