The Crystallized Echo of Air Quotes
Takuto Ohta
CONTRAST is pleased to present the first solo exhibition of designer and artist Takuto Ohta "The Crystallized Echo of Air Quotes," from March 9 (Sun) to March 16 (Sun). In contemporary society, an invisible distance seems to exist between us and the world. From news and conspiracy theories to design, art, the clothes we wear, and even the water we drink—there is no definitive way to verify their essence. Amid an overwhelming flood of information, discerning truth has become increasingly difficult. Even the word “apple” raises questions—why is it called an "apple" and not something else? The deeper one delves, the more endless the labyrinth becomes. The term "Air Quotes" appeared within this vague sense of nihilism, drawing attention to its deeper implications. This hand gesture, used to indicate quoted speech, is often employed with irony or sarcasm. In a world where diverse values intersect and the meanings of words continue to fragment, what happens when we place " " around every concept? "Human," "Society," "Language," "Emotions," "War," "Peace," "Art," "Design," "Values"… By placing quotation marks around these words, Ohta challenges how we perceive and define them. This exhibition reinterprets the "language" inherent in both words and objects. Through photography, sculpture, and poetry, he presents a deeply personal response to the questions that arise in this process. Across three floors, distinct worlds unfold, offering a multilayered perspective within the space. ー Graphic Design:Ryunosuke Kikumura